Calisthenics adalah bentuk latihan yang terdiri dari berbagai latihan olahraga. Seringkali menggunakan ritme gerakan, umumnya tanpa menggunakan peralatan beban namun menggunakan berat tubuh Anda sendiri untuk membangun otot. Calisthenics memeliki banyak manfaat dan nyaman dilakukan serta dapat disesuaikan dengan kemampuan diri kita sendiri mulai dari pemula, menengah ataupun tingkatan yang lebih tinggi.
Stellar Powerhouse coaching are standardized procedure thus the training become efficient and sufficient to the member's necessities. The coach here are trained more than 2 months to rule the roots of Calisthenics movement and comprehend the meticulous training on provisional support to overcome injuries.
All the trainings are supported by coaches thereby the members hardwork pays off. Our intentions is to support the greater possibilities to reach the best transformation of each individuals. The member's development are always our top priority.
What are you waiting for? Get stronger now!